
History: TAF - Limited Humana Singularity

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TAF - 

Limited Humana Singularity

General Definition:
The general definition of a Limited Humana Singularity (LHS) is a complex organism and yet still very simplified when viewing it through the point of view and point of reference that belongs to OFF-World entities.

In order to understand LHS will need to break down the components. Note that any breaking down of components will not make this an easier transition into understanding what is meant by LHS.

The word Limited is expressing that they are veiled barriers that do not allow what's inside that limitation to exceed. If by chance what is inside the container does exceed then it would become something else.

The word Humana reflects a consciousness type of experiment related to human beings. However human beings are met with prejudice that's is a psychological deficit where the brain of an LHS will understand the human being has to be the full-body and not all of it to encompass meant.

 For example: 

The human being may believe that it has five fingers, skin, bones, eyes, and never realize that there are 50 trillion cells that are human and 300 trillion to 500 trillion cells that are bacteria. In which in this case those 300 trillion to 500 trillion cells are also part of the Humana experience. Hence the judgment is not from the perspective of the human brain or its experience, but it is a rather scientific approach at what is known and unknown about the Humana experience.

In short, the definition of Humana from an esoteric point of view involves a greater science that is known to ourselves. However because it is phrased and within a container that is called Humana, it is assumed that they are limitations to the Humana experience even if we ourselves don't know what it is or have not reached it yet.

This idea can lead to understanding why time is also part of the effect of being within the experience. So that perhaps, we may be able to live out for a longer period of time until we maximize the concept of Humana.

Singularity is the definition of being able to have self-sustaining consciousness or awareness to the degree where functionality is possible.

For example: if a singularity is affected then the total organism can continue.
Let us say that the automobile industry creates cars and each car is a singularity. This means that if the car has a car crash and is totaled beyond repair, the car company can continue to make cars.

However the same is not true if the company was destroyed. The company that is an entity and not a singularity.

Note: it is important not to confuse the word entity in this case for esoteric Lee is still means a lot more.









Information Version
2020-05-06 15:42 admin 1

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